If you’re here, wondering how to become a full-time traveller, you are right where I was over a year ago.

Before I began to truly live my life. Before I left my job. Before I decided to jump on a new adventure every single day. And before I put all the effort to travel the world and start living on my own terms, without any regret.

And if you are here, it’s because you finally decided to do it too.

How To Start Travelling Full-Time

– Enough with the excuses

“I can’t just leave everything and start travelling around”…

“Now is not the time”…

“I can’t travel alone”…

“I’ll think about that in the future”…

Enough. When you finally start to believe that you are worth living the life you have always wanted, you’ll be able to make it happen.

I’ve met so many people that told me, “I wish I could do the same”, or “You’re so lucky”. Ehm… It’s not luck. It’s effort. It is about putting everything you’ve got into the realization of your dreams without making any excuse and starting to give priority to YOUR life and YOUR goals.

It surely takes courage to get out of your comfort zone and make a decision that will change your life forever, but… if that’s what you really want, then NOTHING can stop you.

– Dispelling the myth

  • Leaving everything to start travel – That’s what stops most people. But the truth is that you don’t need to do that if you don’t want to. I’ve met many people that brought their jobs on the road and kept working remotely while travelling. And, if your job doesn’t allow you to work remotely, then it’s just about understanding your priorities: is your dream to keep doing what you’re doing, or reinvent yourself to explore the world full-time and live on your own terms?
  • Now is not the time – Trust me, it will never be. This is the excuse I’ve used the most before I finally decided to do it, and I regret not having done it before. There will always be things happening; everything is about how you deal with those things. You can let them waste the time of your life by living a life that makes you unhappy, and by keeping to procrastinate your dreams, or you can pursue your dreams, no matter what. Remember: like you, so many people decided to travel full-time despite all the problems.
  • Travelling alone is dangerous – There are so many solo travellers out there that told me that travelling by themselves is not any more dangerous than travelling with someone else. Nowadays, there are so many apps that can help you stay safe and avoid dodgy places (we use them all the time – but more on this in another article). If you use your common sense, you will be absolutely safe. Don’t let the fear stop you!
  • Travelling is expensive – This is one of the most common beliefs. Travel can be very expensive, but that’s totally up to you. When you travel full-time, you will learn to find a balance between your income and the things you can afford while you travel. Of course, if you want to sleep exclusively in luxury hotels and only eat at gourmet restaurants, you’ll find yourself spending lots of money. But if you have an average income, you can still travel and explore new places every day without spending thousands.

– Choose your plan of action

When we finally decided to start travelling full time, we spent A LOT of time planning. Like many other people, if you don’t have enough savings to indefinitely travel full-time, you need a solid plan to finance your expenses. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how much money you will need per month and what income would be ideal for starting your full-time travel life.

The monthly amount you will need changes drastically between countries: in Europe, £2000 might be enough, but you will need much less in Southeast Asia. The way you travel influences too: we chose to travel in a self-converted van, which obviously requires much less money than going from hotel to hotel.

Many people choose to find different jobs in the places they visit, others take their old jobs on the road, and others set up an online business from scratch (like we did). We wanted to be able to work while travelling because our aim was to be location independent and to be able to earn from any part of the world.

Setting up a plan, being realistic about HOW you want to travel and WHERE to, and finding out how you will support yourself will be essential steps to realising your dream and earning your freedom.

– Mind The Scams

During my journey to start living the life of my dreams, I’ve run into SO MANY scams. I’ve seen people on social media talking about a dream lifestyle achieved thanks to a dream job allowing them to travel full-time since day 1.

“Escape your 9 to 5 job and start earning and travel full-time”. That sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? But please, please, be careful and do your research before trusting anybody. So many of those people work for other agencies that require you to invest a considerable amount of money to buy stuff that you will never re-sell. I’ve heard of many people falling for it and losing so much money.

You do not need someone else to start living your dream. You only need to put effort into what you want to achieve, and I can assure you, you will succeed. There is no easy way around it: you need to work hard, but it’s 100% worth it.

– Don’t give up

Achieving wonderful things has never been easy. Getting out of your comfort zone requires a lot of courage, and you need to be consistent and determined to realize your dreams.

I’ve thought of giving up so many times, especially at the beginning. I was working full-time at a job I hated, while I also started to set up the business that would have helped me finance my new life and self-converting the van at the same time. I had many ups and downs, but I’m so glad I didn’t give up!

Travelling full-time

How The F**k Do You Pay For Your Travels?!

Here we go, the answer to the most asked question. How the f**k do we pay for our travels?

Both Kris and I were working full-time and were deeply unsatisfied with our lives; our jobs did not leave us any time to actually live our lives. Two days off per week (of these, at least one was spent doing absolutely nothing because we were too tired to do anything) and 28 days of holiday per year were not enough for us. Waiting for months and months while working your a*s off, only to settle for a short holiday, for then going back again to your sad routine… well, we just couldn’t do that anymore. We felt that our lives were slipping through our fingers. We weren’t happy at all.

After many evenings (when we were extenuated, mad, and fed up from our routine) spent talking about what to do, we did so much research. We wanted to understand how people did it – the internet is full of people living the dream of a full-time traveller – and we finally realised what we had to do. We had our goal: to start an online business and earn enough income to quit our jobs and start living the dream.

We launched Kikka’s Voyage over a year ago, and after spending months and months studying and taking online classes, we finally started to see the results. 

No, it was not easy. But it wasn’t impossible, either. And it was worth all the efforts.

Our life now? We take our time during our travels without the pressure of going back to our routine. We spend all the time we want in any place we want and, when we’ve got enough of that place, we just go somewhere else. We can work from literally anywhere, earning way more than our previous employed income, doing something we love.

Travelling full-time

First Things First: Change Your Mindset

Before even starting to look at the first steps to take to achieve a life of full-time travel, you must change your mindset. So many people think they are too young, too old, too broke, too scared, too underqualified to travel full-time. Believe me: all these are, again, just excuses.

It is essential to understand that ANYONE can change their lives and realise their dreams at ANY MOMENT. So if you are willing to put all you’ve got to achieve this new lifestyle, you have all you need.

As I’ve felt the same before you, I know that looking at all those luxury travel influencers may increase the scepticism and make it look impossible for you to do the same. Well, let me tell you something: the ONLY THING that differentiates you from those people is that they already have a plan and are working towards their dream, while you haven’t yet.

If travelling full-time is your dream, what are you waiting for? It’s time to figure out a plan and make it happen!

How To Start A Successful Online Business

If you’ve finally decided it’s time to start your successful online business to be location independent and finance your full-time travels, you are surely wondering what the next steps are. Don’t worry: I got you covered.

When we started Kikka’s Voyage, we didn’t know absolutely anything about blogging, social media, SEO and everything in between. But we didn’t let this discourage us: we kept our goal clear in mind, and from the moment we chose to change our lives, we made every step in the direction of that goal.

We started to research A LOT of what other people were doing; we followed tons of free online courses about blogging, writing, photography, SEO, WordPress, etc. But that wasn’t enough: we had to make sure we would succeed quickly.

So, one day, I finally ran into this blog that was advertising a fast lane blogging course. I remember they had a free webinar, so I thought: “why not try?”, And I did. And it completely changed my mindset.

I can’t be grateful enough to Blogging Fast Lane Accelerator because, without the support of Anna and Tom, I wouldn’t have been here writing this while travelling the world. They made me understand that I COULD DO IT, but they also taught me all I needed to build a successful online business: from SEO to partnerships and sponsorships, advertising, writing and much more. They held my hand while I was learning everything from scratch. Even when I started to see the desired results, I was (and still am) part of a huge community of people experiencing exactly what I am, supporting each other every day.

The inner work this course made me do, changed my life: and I am not exaggerating.

I’m not saying that it’s miraculous. You do need your hard work and dedication, always. But if you are new to blogging and have no idea where to start, or even if you want to finally see earnings from your website, this is one of the best classes you could ever take.

Find the link below to check it out:

Free E-book – How To Become A Digital Nomad

I know not everyone has the possibility to pay for a blogging course. Even though that would help you a lot and considerably increase your chances to start earning from your business in a short period, it’s ok. It means you have to work a bit harder and be more patient.

Here is a free ebook I wrote to help you get started with your successful blog. Hopefully, this will help you make the first steps towards your new life as a digital nomad and begin your new full-time adventures!

Digital Nomad Ebook

Sign up below for the FREE download!

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Kikka is the founder and owner of Kikka's Voyage. She is passionate about travelling, photography, and all artistic things; she has travelled through Europe for a two years in her self-converted van, with her partner Kris and her dog Sangria. She is now planning her next trip, while helping other creators to grow their business and earn their freedom.
Kikka's Voyage